Wildnature Q&A 2020
Written by Daniel Smith - Apr 03, 2020
We caught up with one of our partners, Michael Snedic of WildNature Photo Expeditions. Through his photography Michael has travelled the world; shooting some spectacular images in the process. We have recently collaborated on some online photographic events with WildNature - Wildlife Photography Online and some Online Portfolio Reviews.
Michael has recently released a free eBook with some excellent hints and tips for wildlife photography. Click on the download link below to get yourself a copy.
Hi Michael, tell us about your eBook?
My eBook ‘The Art of Wildlife Photography’ gives 15 valuable tips on how to achieve better wildlife images. These are tried and tested tips and techniques that, if followed, will help you enormously.

You have an amazing portfolio of work with many trips and experiences around the world, what places stands out as most amazing in your mind?
Without doubt, there are two locations which stand out. One is Antarctica, for its incredible landscapes, amazing wildlife and pristine environment. The second is Kenya in Africa, for the mind-blowing array of close-up wildlife photography experiences. Both are Bucket List destinations.
Why have you chosen to put out a book now?
I have wanted to write an eBook for years now, but I lead an incredibly busy life, as you might imagine. I finally decided that I need to ‘knuckle down’ and get it done, or it may never have been finished ??
Feedback since releasing it last week has been absolutely fantastic! I’m feeling very humbled…
Ok now a tough question, with your years of experience, if you could go back in time to talk to the younger version of yourself, who was just starting out with photography; what advice would you give yourself?
I wouldn’t change a thing! I’m very happy with where I am at with my photography and nature photography workshop business, so why change anything?
How has technology affected the industry (eg advent of digital, AF technologies etc, social media etc.)?
Yes, it’s much easier to teach photography with digital cameras, as we can instantly see our results and correct any mistakes. Regarding Social media, it does help to get your images and business out there, but it also creates a lot more work.
What gear is a must in your kit?
The new Nikon 500mm f5.6 PF lens. By far the sharpest and fastest focusing lens I have used. Very light and compact, so much easier to hand-hold as well as cart around on aeroplanes etc. I also love my Nikon D850. As far as tripods, I have two Gitzos – exceptional quality.
Why do you shoot with Nikon?
It’s the best brand ?? I love the ergonomics of the cameras; menus are easier to navigate, and their lenses are fantastic! I’m also a Nikon School tutor.

To download Michael Snedic’s FREE Ebook ‘The Art of Wildlife Photography’, please click HERE