Canon - Real Moments Deserve A Real Camera
Written by Emily Mathison - Jul 13, 2020
“Life isn’t a matter of milestones, but of moments.” Rose Kennedy
Moments. They don’t have to be outstanding or out of the ordinary. They don’t have to be carefully curated or go according to plan. They just have to happen. They can be beautiful and soul-touching, and they can be terrifying and life-changing. They are the moments that shape our lives and can define who we are.

Canon has recently launched their newest campaign, Real Moments Deserve A Real Camera. The idea behind the campaign is to highlight all the moments in our lives that mean something to us, and the importance of having a reliable camera that will be there to capture everything along the way. This certainly got me thinking about all the moments in my life that resonated with me the most, and what moments have really implanted themselves in my memory. And while a few are huge life moments; starting school in a different country, graduating university, a lot of them are just everyday moments. From laughing with friends until we cried to little weekend road trips down the coast, they are the real memories of my life that deserve to be cherished forever.
So, to get you thinking about some of the real moments of your life that deserve to be captured, I’ve curated a list of all the real-life moments that deserve a real camera.
The laughing until it hurts moments
You know those times when you just can’t stop laughing at something, no matter how silly it is, that it makes your body and jaw ache. And then just as you’re about to gain control of yourself again, your friend gives you a look and you start all over again…these are my favourite moments. They are raw and natural, and some of my favourite photos of myself and my friends have come from these times. Big, goofy grins that remind us of how much fun we were having. In these times, you need a camera that is quick enough to capture a smile or laugh, before the tears start to stream down their face.

The soak it all in moments
Sometimes when you’re out exploring this beautiful world of ours, you just have to stop and take it all in for a few minutes. This is where I find it’s super important to have a camera on hand that you can trust will emulate the real-life view in an image. So that whenever you look at that photo, it takes you back to the exact moment you were admiring the world. These are the moments that perfectly align with Canon’s campaign…they are pure and real, and without a real camera, the emotion of the image just wouldn’t be conveyed the same.

The fly by moments that seem a little hazy
Whether you’re at a music gig, a sporting event or something just so happens to whizz by you on the street, sometimes these moments happen so quickly that you don’t quite take it in. As a music photographer, this happens all too often…I will be in the photo pit, about to shoot one of my favourite bands, then boom, it’s all over and I don’t remember one song they’ve played. Then as soon as I grab my camera the next day and start looking through my photos from the night, all the special moments of the night come flooding back. That’s why it is so important that your camera is speedy enough to take on the challenge of these moments, otherwise you will be left with an image that is as blurry as the moment that so quickly happened.

The spontaneous moments
Another favourite of mine is the days where you start out with no plans, decide to go on a last-minute road trip and end up having the most magical day. Of course, I always take my camera with me on days like this as you never know what is going to pop up or be just around the corner, and when you’re hiking through the bush or climbing over rocks, you want a real camera that’s up for the adventure! One that will replicate the vivid colours and layered textures of the world, to be sealed in an image you can look back on forever. I always find that spontaneous moments are the memories I hold onto forever.

If you have any of your own real moments that deserved a real camera, feel free to share them with us on your socials! We always love to see what everyone has been getting up to and what real moments you captured.