Credit Card Verification
Credit card fraud and identity theft are a growing problem for both retailers and consumers. If you’ve ever had your credit card or identity details stolen and misused you’ll understand the cost and inconvenience this causes. As a retailer, we are doing all we can to protect our customers and ourselves and reduce the incidence of fraud and theft.
Every order placed on our website, over the phone, or in store, is subject to security checks. If your order does not meet our security check requirements you will be contacted via email to complete an additional verification procedure to ensure that your credit card is not being used without your authorisation.
How does this work?
In order to ensure that the credit card is being used with the owner’s permission, we will charge a small, random amount to the card. The amount will be between $1.01 and $1.99 (excluding the amount of $1.00) and it will be refunded after 72 hours. Please log in to your internet banking or check your credit card statement for this charge and take note of the amount. You will receive an email from notifying you that the verification charge has been placed and the email will instruct you on how to proceed.
The charge may not appear on your statement until 24 hours after you receive the Random Charge Verification email. Your bank is usually able to confirm by phone the amount charged before it appears on your statement.
You may also see a $1 transaction appear on your account. This charge is a separate verification, not part of the Random Verification procedure detailed above. The $1 amount is reversed, usually on the same day.
How does this protect you?
If your credit card details were stolen and used on our website, this check will prevent the order from proceeding. Your card will not be charged with a fraudulent order and the person using the card will not receive any goods.
But this is me – this is my card!
We appreciate that most people placing an order on our website are doing so honestly and legitimately. We are doing our best to protect you as much as possible and inconvenience you as little as possible. Please think of this a ‘getting to know you’ exercise!
I’m using a company card – I don’t have access to statements
If you are using a company card and do not have access to your credit card statements, check with your accounts team as they should have access. If this is not possible, contact us on 1300 365 220 or send an email to for alternate methods.